Chapbook: Feather Rousing, a hybridiary
Flash Fiction
- “Good Stretch,” Wigleaf. Selected by guest editor Amber Sparks for Best Microfiction 2021, edited by Meg Pokrass and Gary Fincke.
- “Dear Wigleaf,” author postcard. Wigleaf.
- “Descending”, 7×7, a seven-turn “exquisite corpse” game with visual artist Maeve D’Arcy— and maybe the most fun thing I’ve ever been challenged to write.
- “Mrs. Williamson Winds the Watch,” Indiana Review, Finalist for the 2013 IR 1/2K Prize
- “The Glass Piano: The Königsbau, Munich, 1848,” The Collagist / The Rupture
- “Exercises for Printing and Writing: Haverford Indian School, 1910,” Digital Americana, Finalist for the 501-Word Writing Contest, 2013
- “Cases: Willard Asylum for the Insane: New York, 1910-1960” Monkeybicycle. In 2018, this piece was adapted by artist Chris Style into a 14-piece carved set of woodblocks, then inked and steamrollered into a Really Big Print (60″ x 32″)! See the images here.
- “Dreamland: Coney Island, 1904,” Fiction Southeast
- “Resuscitation: 2032,” Wigleaf
- “The Boy Who Will Burn: L’Exposition Universelle, 1878,” Wigleaf
- “Beached,” Necessary Fiction. Selected for the long list —the top 200—of Top 50 Very Short Fictions of 2014, compiled by Wigleaf
- “Two Weeks After Election Night, Mitt Romney Takes in Disneyland with his Grandkids,” Paper Darts
- “Swath,” Hobart /HAD
- “Nape: Pensaukee, Wisconsin, 2003,” Corium
- “Family Portrait, 1860,” Atticus Review
- “Countenance: 1958,” Atticus Review
- “Red Paint,” Winner of Photogene #4, Sundog Lit
Flash Nonfiction
- “The Way We Love Each Other,” Ilanot Review “Fixations” issue
- “Where Are You? Here I Am, Here” Roanoke Review
- “Hospice: Columbus, 1974,” Hobart/ HAD
- “Hope is the Hawaiian Shirt, Hope is the Ukulele,” published in Hope is the Thing: Wisconsinites on Perseverance in a Pandemic, edited by B.J. Hollars, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2021.
- “Feather Rousing,” Gigantic Sequins, originally written for a Midsummer’s Music Chamber concert event in Door County, Wisconsin. Pushcart Prize nominee, 2020.
- “The Lady, The Tiger,” Superstition Review. Watch the Vodcast on iTunes U here.
- “Vigil,” Carve
Short Stories
- “Worship for Shut-Ins,” West Branch
- “Good Fences,” Michigan Quarterly Review
- “Let’s Do,” Indiana Review
- Trim & Notions,” Indiana Review. Winner of the 2002 IR Short Fiction Award.
- “When Tom and Georgia Come Over to Swim,” Beloit Fiction Journal
- “Simple as That,” The Journal
- “Weights and Measures,” Chelsea. Winner of the 2002 Chelsea Short Fiction Award, Chelsea