“Cases: Willard Asylum for the Insane, New York, 1910-1960” recreated as a REALLY big print

IMG_2777This summer, artist and printmaker (and my UW-Green Bay colleague) Christine Style chose to create and carve 14 woodblocks based upon my flash fiction piece “Cases: Willard Asylum for the Insane: New York, 1910-1960” —and overlaying her carved, character-driven blocks is an image of Chris’s own mother. Chris and her crew then inked and had the whole thing pressed onto paper by a STEAMROLLER at The Really Big Prints-Again event at UW-Manitowoc.

I can speak for probably every writer: what a tremendous honor and privilege to have my work take such gorgeous shape in another artist’s hands. Thanks, Christine Style! (Also, thanks to Monkeybicycle for giving this work its first home, and to New Delta Review for giving the work its second home in my chapbook, Morbid Curiosities.)

See the process here!
