Runity: Dogged

IMG_0599 (1)February has been a month of doggedness.

Earlier in the month, I was called a “pitbull.” No offense to anyone, but I don’t like pitbulls. They’re just not my dog of choice. So I took this word with me into my run later that same day to…sure, chew it over.

In my mind, pitbulls are all teeth and jaw and untrustworthy, according to my mother— or unfairly maligned, according to other people.

Either way, it’s not like being called a Collie, or a greyhound, or Golden Retriever. You are not called a pitbull because you’re snuggly or pet-able.

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Runity: On Banana Peels and Fussiness

Along today’s run, I took lots of pictures for you. I wanted to rave about the surprising colors of nature in winter. And they are really great! But the most apt of my snaps was this:


A banana peel in the road.

If you look closely, just a few feet from the banana peel appears to be the word “HA.”

Why share this image first? Because this week, I’ve been the fussiest, frettingest, ball of stressing-est version of myself. If you know me personally, you might be thinking, There’s a more intense version? Really?! She goes to 11? 

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Runity: Both/And

IMG_0508 (1)You can’t tell by this photo, but it’s melting here. The snow, I mean. Below my shoes is snow and slush, puddles and patches—which means the road is both clear and sneakily icy.

Late January in Wisconsin is a time of both/and. There are sunny days so cold all you can do is scream obscenities through your scarf, and your nose hairs freeze and break, as you waddle the parking lot to your f-uh-fuh-fuh-freezing car.

And there are days like today: a real feel of 42 degrees F. Running requires a single layer of clothing and normal, toothless shoes.

It’s the kind of day you want to push you want to push yourself, linger a while, go fast and far—but you’re also out of shape and edging towards your (dear God) 50s and so you decide a little push is good enough. I took the 3.4 mile route and ran most of it.

Winter running is a spectacle of the beautifully dead. Look at these dried grasses with their big, feathery hats.

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Runity: Slow Burn, Slow Freeze

IMG_0455What is there to do when it’s veerrryyyy cold outside?  Why, you can go running, of course.

As usual, the cats said, Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out! 

Oh, cats! I appreciate their lack of sentiment. It is far easier to stay inside with all your mousies and loll on sunlit stairs.

But this week, I worked from home and binge-watched docudramas on Netflix. When I ventured out for meetings on Friday, I returned with $100 of sushi, most of which I ate. My mind and stomach had an excellent week, but my legs and heart and brain needed brisk thoughts and bracing air.

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Runity: Sunshine and Failure, Linked


Sunshine! Sunshine! Sunshine!

The cats and I could not get enough! But while they stayed inside and stalked chickadee-dee-dee-dees, I basked in the glow—it was glowing! see below!— of a real feel of 24 degrees F.

I wore my superhero shoes again and they felt wonderful. Dressing for running in the 20s is tricky, especially if you plan to walk, then run. Walking, you’re just a bit freezing; running, you burn up.

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Runity: A Journal of Running + Vanity + Accountability + Honesty

IMG_0395What motivates us? I ask this of my undergrad novelists-to-be, as I find ways to motivate them towards a 50,000-word draft goal. Not all our motivations are virtuous or attractive, I say. We might be motivated by doing a job well, or by the shame of failing a class. Or both.

As a writer, I admit my motivations are usually both pretty and petty, at once open-hearted and full of fangs. A story or chapter can spring from these two forces equally, as in:

a) Neat! A new idea!(Oooh, shiny overheard conversation! Or, let’s solve this structure puzzle!) and

b) Screw you, buddy (I could totally write that book better than [imaginary nemesis], and I could totally win that contest).

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